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Student School Transfer

The Bibb County school District wishes to make student transfer from one school to another easy for parents. You may do so through your Parent Portal account on your mobile device or computer at your own convenience. However, we strongly encourage you to make any updates to your address as soon as possible on a computer.  

If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please click HERE to create one. 

This transfer process is only for students whose address has changed. For families that have remained in the same address, the House Bill 251 and Senate Bill 10 transfer processes open in March.

When updating your address please make sure you upload a copy of the following documents:

  • Lease or Mortgage - Required
  • Plus one of the following:
    • Current utility bill (electric, water, or gas)
    • Most recent income tax return
    • Property tax statement
    • Automobile registration or insurance
    • Mail from any government agency

Once your account has been created, please update your child’s address through your Parent Portal account. 

If you do not have a computer, please contact your child’s school to make an appointment to complete this process in person.