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Behavior Screening Information

Universal Behavior Screening

The Bibb County School District (BCSD) is committed to supporting the whole child through a variety of programs, services, and activities that promote positive student development and wellness. Universal screening for behavioral and emotional risk can help schools identify students who are at-risk (or in need) of intervention and/or supports related to those issues (NASP, 2009). In addition, universal behavior screening provides valuable information about overall student social/emotional health and school functioning related to multi-tiered systems of support (RTI and PBIS).

Beginning in Fall 2021, school teams began the training and administering of behavior screening to K-12 students in BCSD elementary, middle, and high schools. Screening is administered in September/October and February/March each school year. Summary information from screening is shared with district and school teams to guide social emotional behavioral-related planning and implementation. This project is a collaboration with Georgia State University (Center for Leadership in Disability) and the Georgia Department of Education.

Parent Resources

The following behavior screeners are administered to BCSD students twice each school term:

The following tips are available to help parents promote positive mental health in their children:

The following training is available to parents as well as other school and community members (CLICK HERE to register):


  • Opt-out forms are available in Parent Portal (under Notifications) at the beginning of each school year. Parents/guardians who do not want their child to participate in screening should sign and submit the opt-out form within Parent Portal by the date specified.
  • For more information about universal behavior screening, reach out to your child’s school counselor or Tajalyn Woodruff, Project AWARE Coordinator, at