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Magnet School Applications

The online application process for the Bibb County School District’s magnet schools and programs for the 2025-2026 school year will be open from November 5 through December 3, 2024, for Alexander II Math & Science Magnet School; Burdell-Hunt Communications Magnet School; Dr. John H. Heard Elementary School, Academic Magnet; Vineville Academy of the Arts; Miller Fine Arts Magnet Middle School; and Central Fine Arts & International Baccalaureate Magnet High School. 

Elementary and middle school applicants will be placed in a lottery, with parents being notified of a student’s status in mid-January. From there, students of all grade levels will participate in the required interview or audition, with parents receiving final acceptance notification by February 19, 2025. Magnet applications are for students entering kindergarten and older grades, with Pre-K applications being handled through a separate process


If your child is currently enrolled in any magnet school, they must apply and be accepted through the selection process in order to attend any other magnet school. If your child is currently enrolled in any Pre-K program, they must apply and be accepted in order to attend any magnet school for kindergarten. 

Parent Letter (English)

Parent Letter (Spanish)