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Monthly Payroll- All exempt employees

Exempt employees are exempt from the bulk of the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act "FLSA".
They are not eligible for overtime.
They are not legally required to keep records of the hours they work each week.
Examples of Exempt employees:

Certified personnel working a position utilizing that certificate...teacher who is teaching, Administrative cabinet members, Directors, Principals, Assistant Principals, Counselors, Some supervisors

Semi-Monthly Payroll- All non-exempt permanent full-time or part-time employees

Non exempt employees are subject to the requirements of FLSA.
They must be paid overtime for all overtime hours worked in a week.
They must keep accurate records of the actual hours they work each day.
Examples of Non Exempt Employees include:

Clerical, secretarial, paraprofessionals, custodians, maintenance workers, groundsmen, warehousemen, bus drivers, computer techs

Substitute Payroll -Those individuals that are substitution for a teacher or custodian or lunchroom workers out on leave.

Exceptions Payroll -This payroll is processed on an as needed basis.

Payroll Calendar

2025 W4

2025 G4

Direct Deposit Form

How to Create a Digital Signature


ESS Instructions

Use the proper form for the current pay period "2 or 3 Week". All time worked must be on the time sheet. No working "off the clock" is permitted. Make sure all information is provided on the form. You must have the employee's signature and Principal's or Director's original signature verifying accuracy of data. Turn in on time according to the monthly payroll calendar or semi-monthly payroll calendar.

Time worked for a different program such as a PTO after regular contract hours must be reported on a separate time sheet which includes that program's account number. If it is to be paid by an organization other than the Board, then the check payable to BBOE must also be remitted with the time sheet to Accounting.

Leave must be keyed for ALL employees (exempt and non-exempt). Leave must be keyed whether a substitute is used or not. Refer to the payroll calendars for the due dates for keying of leave. If an employee runs out of leave, the hours of LWOP (leave without pay) MUST be keyed in. Always print a leave report after the leave has been completely keyed in for a particular time period. This applies to Departments as well as Schools. This report is to be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. If a correction is found after the time period for keying is passed, send the corrected information to Payroll on an absence/supply report.

Reporting for Substitutes
Only subs that are approved should be used. Whenever there is a sub working in a vacant position, you will need to report the time on an absent/supply report. Again follow the payroll calendar. Each day must be listed separately. In the employee section, list the type position and/or grade level. The report must be signed by the principal.

The moment you are aware that an employee has been terminated, submit an Employee Change Form IMMEDIATELY to Human Resources. Also email the Payroll Supervisor so that we can make sure we do not overpay anyone. It is extremely difficult to get payment back. If a new employee declines a position after the recommendation has been sent to Human Resources notify Payroll immediately.